FAQs About Spray Foam Insulation

When it comes to spray foam insulation, we understand that homeowners may have questions and concerns about any potential health implications, and finding the right contractor. At Vermont Foam Insulation, we prioritize your safety and satisfaction above all else. Here, we address common inquiries to provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision.

What are the potential risks associated with spray foam insulation?

  • When installed correctly by an experienced spray foam insulation contractor, spray foam does not pose any risk to a home or its inhabitants. However, there are some safety precautions during the installation process that the Vermont Foam Insulation team takes to ensure the safety of all parties: Vermont Foam Insulation requires homeowners to vacate the premises during installation and for 24 hours afterward, this is to reduce the risk of exposure to the material while it is being installed under high pressure. And, because spray foam insulation creates an airtight barrier, we highly recommend resolving moisture issues before or concurrent with your insulation upgrades to avoid future issues like mold and rot. We can help uncover the cause of moisture issues in your home with an a site visit and often a subsequent energy audit (conducted by an independent third party). We can also provide some services to address your moisture issues, such as vapor barrier installations.

What are the health concerns related to spray foam insulation?

  • Any health concerns related to spray foam are centered around the atomization of spray foam chemicals that occurs during installation. However, once the foam cures, it is completely safe. Vermont Foam Insulation adheres to a standard safety protocol for installation, and homeowners are required to leave the premises for 24 hours after the installation is complete. Once cured, spray foam is totally inert – it is totally inactive and completely safe. 

Can the risks of spray foam insulation be mitigated or eliminated?

  • Yes, by following standard safety protocols, Vermont Foam Insulation does everything possible to eliminate risks associated with spray foam insulation installation. We ensure our employees safety by using person protective equipment (PPE). We ensure our customers’ safety by following industry standard safety guidelines which requires a building be vacated for 24 hours after our work is done. Through specific means and methods, we verify that our spray foam products have been installed according to the manufacturer’s guidelines on every job. We also employ powerful ventilation methods during the installation process so that our work area is well-ventilated during the installation process.. 

Are there alternative insulation options to spray foam?

  • While we don’t always recommend alternatives, Vermont Foam Insulation can install blown-in cellulose insulation and batt insulation depending on the exact needs of the project and building. However, we sometimes find that spray foam insulation is the superior insulation product for the majority of our applications. 

What steps can homeowners take to protect themselves and their families from the risks of spray foam insulation?

  • If you are looking to avoid any adverse health issues stemming from your upcoming spray foam installation, it is important to trust an experienced local spray foam installation company. If you have questions about the pros and cons of spray foam, Vermont Foam Insulation is one of the few spray foam insulation contractors in the state with tons of experience and that knows the product and process. We are here to answer all of your questions, so you can move forward with confidence. 

How can homeowners ensure that they are hiring an experienced spray foam insulation contractor?

  • It is important that you vet your insulation contractor. Look for things like: years of experiencecustomer reviews, and references. An experienced spray foam installer should have extensive knowledge of building science. Vermont Foam Insulation is Building Performance Institute Certified and accredited by the Better Business Bureau. We also have almost 20 years of experience with installation all types of insulation. Our continued growth and trust among our customers is a testament to our products and process.

Can you provide examples of successful spray foam insulation installations you have completed in Vermont?

  • You can browse our gallery of completed projects here

Have another question? Call 802-367-3113 or contact us online to ask the spray foam insulation experts!

Looking for safe spray foam installation in Vermont?

Our team follows strict safety protocols so you can rest easy. 802-367-3113
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